My name is David Blood, and in my 60-plus orbits around the sun, I've learned that while life can often be shaped by our choices, some things remain beyond our control. What I’ve found, though, is that we can make hard times a little easier by holding onto hope, kindness, and gratitude.

And that’s really what Orbit42 is all about. First and foremost, we believe that each of us has intrinsic value, just as we are. And if we seek change while embracing that fact, we know that change is most effective when we focus on what lies within our orbit of control or influence—not on the things we can’t change. This is a practice for me, too; I often find myself getting wrapped up in global issues that I can do little to nothing about. If you do the same, I invite you to join me on a journey of refocusing.

I am thrilled to have you in my orbit, where each of us has the freedom to design our own orbit and define our personal "42." You might be wondering what 42 means. In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is famously “the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.” But beyond that, in ASCII computer code, 42 represents the asterisk symbol (*), often interpreted to mean “anything” or “everything.” Here at Orbit42, that means 42 can be whatever you need it to be—a purpose, a dream, or simply the freedom to explore life’s possibilities.

At Orbit42, we believe that life’s answers are unique to each person. We focus on what’s within our reach—our choices, actions, and attitudes—to create meaning and foster growth. As you embark on this journey with us, remember that your orbit is yours to define, and your 42 is yours to create.

I originally started with the idea of designing mid-century modern-inspired shirts. But as time passed, and life brought its own challenges—prolonged health issues, hurricane relocations, and early retirement—this idea grew into something much more, full of inspiration and purpose.

Whether you’re here to get unique and cool merch that expresses acceptance, love, and hope, or to also explore fresh ideas, seek purpose, or find the courage to stay grounded amidst the stars, you’ll discover a community that celebrates your individuality and supports your growth. Welcome to a universe where you matter, where your choices shape your orbit, and where every action builds a brighter future.

We can’t wait to see the impact you’ll create. Let’s make the most of Orbit42—together!